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Consumers use in the ecosystem the energy resource at their level of energy as food.The consumers in the plant kingdom at the trophic level are autotrophs and use solar energy while at the next level the consumers are herbivores and the next level the omnivores and finally the decomposers who feed on decayed organism in the ecosystem.

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Q: What do consumers use in an ecosystem for food?
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Are consumers really unnecessary in an ecosystem?

No,because consumers maintain a proper ecosystem,food web .

What are the consumers in an ecosystem?

Living things that consume food. Such as animals.

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How are producers related to primary consumers in ecosystem?

Answer this question… Primary consumers eat secondary consumers, which rely on producers for food.

Complex feeding patterns for consumers in an ecosystem are called?

food chain

What role does sunlight play within an ecosystem?

it begins the energy in the food chain of an ecosystem. It goes from the sun to the producers to the consumers

What effect would the loss of a producer have on the ecosystem?

A loss of a producer means that there will be less food for consumers since producers are the foundation of an ecosystem

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from producers to consumers and then to the rest of the ecosystem

Matter move through an ecosystem in?

In a food chain from producers to consumers .

What would the primary producers in a grassland ecosystem most likely be?

In this ecosystem, the producer is the grass. Producer make their own food and include plants, grass, and algae. Consumers are animals that do not make food but must feed on other consumers.

What two parts make up an ecosystem?

The two parts of an ecosystem are Producers and Consumers. Producers are plants and other organisms that produce their own food. Consumers are the organisms that eat producers to survive.

Are primary consumers or secondary consumers the largest part of the ecosystem?

The largest parts of an ecosystem is the primary consumers. The ecosystem could hold more of a body size of primary consumers as opposed to secondary consumers.