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uranus has seasons just like we do...but not as long.they both have storms.and both has a core

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Q: What do earth and Uranus have in common besides they both have moons and orbit things?
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What is common about Uranus and Earth?

They have nothing in common .

What do earth and Uranus have in common?

well,they are both planets but uranus dosen't have food,waterand people

What does earth have in common with mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune?

They are all planets.

What earth has that Uranus doesn't?

Earth has life, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, much more heat, a solid surface, high amounts of water, and many other things that Uranus does not have.

When did earth and Uranus get married?

the earth never married uranus

Is temperature earth science?

Since the Earth's temperature changes, the study of that will be part of Earth Science. But there are lots and lots of other things about the earth, besides temperature, that is part of Earth Science. Also, other things besides the Earth change temperature ,so many other kinds of science, besides Earth Science, study the effects of temperature .

Why is earth denser than Neptune and Uranus?

Neptune and Uranus are gaseous planets and Earth has a rocky core and surface. The atoms are closer together than those of Uranus and Saturn. Common Sense gave me that answer. Maybe you should visit it some time.

Does Uranus have snow?

Uranus actually does have clouds but they most likely do not consist of the same molecular constructs as clouds on Earth.

Is Uranus closer to the sun then earth is?

no the earth is closer to the sun that Uranus

What do Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune have in common?

they are all planets

Which plant has fewer satellites earth or Uranus?

i meant planet Earth has fewer because Earth has only 1 satellite and Uranus has 27 satellites.

How is Uranus simular to Earth?

The planet Uranus is about as different from Earth as two planets can be.