

What do elephants smell like?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Because of their foul excrement, and because bacteria can grow on their thick skins, most elephants smell very bad, unless they have been recently washed.

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Q: What do elephants smell like?
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Do elephants smell better than bloodhounds?

WELL this is a very interesante question BECAUSE elephants smell more like platypusses and bloodhounds smell like grass/eggs/curtains. ocassionally they smell like lamps. so i belive this is a opinionated question.

What are the elephant sense of smell?

Elephants have a fierce sense of smell. Elephants can detect water with their sense of smell that is over 11 miles away.

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What is the elephants strong sense?

Smell .

How good is an elephants sense smell?

elephants smell is actually really good they also have a good way of cooling there selfs off

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Elephants have poor eye-sight, but have excellent hearing and smell.

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Yes, as long as you don't give them chili. They don't like the smell of chili. It's true.

Can elephants smell?

Have you ever smelled a wet pile of sh*t? they smell very similar.

What do elephants ear smell like?

Pee really depends on the animal and what it's diet is. Rumour has it that elephant pee smells like licorice but I don't think anyone is willing to try it. (If you do smell some and you say it does smell like something I'll just take your word for it)

How far away can elephants smell fresh water?

hi jess

When elephants scrach their armpit do they also smell it?

i don't think elephants scratch their armpits, but if they did I'm sure they would hold their breath.

Can elephants stand up on their trunk?

No, the elephant only uses their trunks to reach food, smell, and use it almost like their hand.