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Giraffes and humans are both mammals and therefore share many characteristics. There are things like:

* They are both Vertebrates, meaning that they both have back bones. In fact Giraffe and humans have the same number of vertebra, this number being seven. * Both humans and Giraffes have a heart to pump oxygenated blood around their body. * Both have muscles, bones and tissues made up of very similar substances. * Humans and giraffes both have lungs used to inhale oxygen and exhale waste products, such as carbon dioxide. * Giraffes have red blood, meaning blood that carries oxygen around the body. * Both are warm blooded animals, meaning that they control their body's temperature via internal means, such as shivering or sweating. * Both require nutrients found in food and need water to survive.

* Both have brains, ribs, spines and other main anatomical features. * Giraffes and humans both give birth to live young and suckle their young with milk.

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16y ago
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15y ago

Both usually give birth to only one baby at a time, and like the human the giraffe has five vertibrae.

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14y ago

Humans and giraffes, despite the obvious difference in length, have the same number of bones in their necks: seven. My chiropractor told me that and subsequent research proved him right.

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12y ago

Something is that they both eat plants.they both are herbivore

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12y ago

Thye both are mammamals, which means that they both have hair and boobs.

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14y ago

7 vertebrae in their neck

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13y ago

they are both from afriaca

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Q: What is similar between a human and giraffe skeleton?
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