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Leopards eat animals (anything from rats to zebra). They live about 8 to 12 years in the wild.

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Q: What do leopards eat and how long do they live?
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Do leopards eat slothes?

Leopards do not live in the same areas as sloths. So no, they do not eat sloths. If their ranges overlapped, though, leopards would eat sloths.

Do leopards eat bunnies?

No, leopards do not usually eat bunnies, since they do not usually live in the same area or climate.

Why do leopards live in deserts?

Leopards live in warm places and not cold because theres non of the food they eat there

How long do leopards live in captivity?

Leopards can live from the age between 12-25 years in captivity.

Do leopards eat coyotes?

They could, but they do not live in the same place.

Do sun bears eat leopards?

No. Sun bears and leopards live in different biomes, thus never meet.

How often do they eat?

The leopard they don't really eat they hunt their food to eat and they really don't have amount of what they eat.The leopard they don't really eat they hunt their food to eat and they really don't have amount of what they eat.

What do leopards eat in the Amazon Rainforest?

no. The Amazon rain forest is in South America. Lions live in Africa.

How long do Amur Leopards live for?

10-15 years

Do leopards eat jaguars?

Most likely no leopards do not eat lizards.Another perspectiveVarious internet resources indicate that leopards are opportunistic hunters and will consume reptiles, including lizards, should the situation present itself.

About how many leopards are hunted in a year?



These 2 questions r not the same since 1 is how snow leopards SURVIVE or what they eat and 1 is how they ADAPT or live in their environment