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They consume the plants (producers) and obtain the most amount of nutrients and energy and then get eaten by the secondary consumers who obtain a little less energy since it is being passed down a line. Cows would be a primary who consumers grass that obtained energy and nutrients through photosynthesis and then we eat the cow (secondary) and gain what was left from the grass after the cow ate it and spent energy

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Q: What do primary consumers do in an ecosystem?
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Are primary consumers or secondary consumers the largest part of the ecosystem?

The largest parts of an ecosystem is the primary consumers. The ecosystem could hold more of a body size of primary consumers as opposed to secondary consumers.

How are producers related to primary consumers in ecosystem?

Answer this question… Primary consumers eat secondary consumers, which rely on producers for food.

The four elements of an ecosystem are?

Producers, Primary Consumers Secondary Consumers Tertiary Consumers

Is primary consumers the greatest number of members in an specific ecosystem?

Secondary consumers

Are phytoplankton in a freshwater ecosystem primary consumers?

No, They are primarily consumed!

What if there were no producers in an ecosystem?

there won`t be any primary consumers

If grass and shrubs were removed from rural Massachusetts ecosystem what would most likely happen?

What would happen if grasses and shrubs were removed from an ecosystem? A.the primary consumers would increaseB.the primary consumers would become secondary consumersC.the primary consumers would die out or move elsewhereD.the primary consumers would stay unchanged

Why each type of consumer is an important part of a ecosystem?

Primary consumers are impotant because they eat the producers if there was no primary consumers there probably wouldn't be second or third consumers

Can secondary consumers become primary consumers?

A primary consumer will never become a secondary consumer. In an ecosystem, there is one primary consumer and one secondary consumer, just like there is only one producer. Each member of an ecosystem has its specific duty.

Why would a grassland ecosystem have more primary consumers than a rain forest ecosystem?

Because primary consumers find it easier to eat grass, In grassland there is much more grass than in a rainforest

Can you give two sentence about consumers?

The consumers in an ecosystem eat the producers. The predator eats the primary consumer

What level of consumer would have the grestest population in the ecosystem?

Primary level consumers