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they usually use them to make traditional medicines and they often eat the whales blubber

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a really good time

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Q: What do Japanese use whales for?
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Related questions

Why do the Japanese use harpoons?

To kill whales.

Why did people use to kill whales long ago?

Whales are still getting killed. Mostly by the Japanese for the meat but their official statment is for research...

How many whales did the Japanese get last year?

Around 300 whales are taken by the Japanese for 'scientific reasons'.

Who are mostly killing the whales?

the Japanese

Why haven't the Japanese whaling fleet caught many whales this year?

Because many animals, including whales, can sense when there's about to be an earthquake, so the whales all left Japanese waters.

Who is killing the whales?

the Japanese are killing them to eat them

Where do Japanese hunt whales the most?


What is the percentage of whales are killed each year by the Japanese?

An exact number for the population of whales is unknown so the percentage hunted by the Japanese cannot be calculated.

How can i use the word extralegal in a sentence?

In 2010 the Japanese continued to defend that their research was extralegal and therefore continued harpooning whales.

Do any creatures eat blue whales?

the Japanese

How do the Japanese slaughter whales?

because they're pricks

Can Japanese eat whales?

They can and do, whatever the rights or wrongs.