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Creation has a definite beginning ans also an end

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Q: What do the Vedas teach us about early Indian societies?
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What is a veda?

There are 4 Vedas which teach the basic & origin of life. It is said that all the science in Hinduism also originated from the Vedas.

What are the Brahman's jobs?

to worship and do sacrifices for the gods. also they were to teach the Vedas. The priests and scholars in the Indian Caste System. They are the highest class in the Caste System above the kshatriyas, vaisyas, and the sudras. most brahmans are also vegetarian and do not eat any meat.

Why are Vedas and ramayan important for Hindus?

Vedas and Ramayana are important to Hindus because they teach us the way of life. They tell us how we must live our lives and not let anything come between us and our duty.

What did the Indian teach the pilgrims?

What were the pilgrims taught

Most early biographies were written to teach moral lessons?

Most early biographies were written to teach moral lessons

Why is it important to know about the early people?

It is important to learn about past societies and people, since they are our ancestors and can teach us a lot about how we live today. For example, have you ever wondered why people farm? This is because we learned from our parents, who learned from theirs, who learned from theirs. We've learned everything from our parents and grandparents, who learned it the exact same way. Early forgers would teach their sons the best way to forge different metals, as would early farmers with their sons teach them the best way to grow crops, and ranchers with cattle and sheep. So, the reason it is so important to learn about earlier cultures, is because they teach us so much about how to live and what morals we have. Hope that I helped! :)

What did the French and Indian War teach the colonies?

don't go west

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Why do Hindus believe that they should always speak the truth?

Because the main foundation of Hinduism is based on 4 Vedas. Which teach a man Truthfulness (satyam) as an essential part of his lifestyle.

What did natives teach early explorers?

the natives taught early explorers about how to use herbs for medicine.

Early Puritanical novels tried always to teach?

a lesson

What are Hindu teachers?

Hindu teachers or gurus never take any fees they teach those who are willing to learn the Vedas(Hindu scriptures)or teach princes . They also teach martial arts as they had to fight wars. Gurus might even start a new religion, eg- Bhudha, Mahavira,Guru Gobind Singh etc.