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The founder effect a genetic bottleneck are similar in their effect on the genetic diversity of a local population in both situations. They result in the development of a population from a small number individuals and is likely to have reduced genetic diversity.

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9y ago
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14y ago

Both the founder effect and the bottle neck effect and less genetic diversity

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7y ago

They both decrease the size of the original population and they both result in a new population that is genetically different from the original.

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Q: What characteristic do a bottleneck and a founder effect have in common?
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Types of genetic drift?

Founder effect & Bottleneck effect.

Bottleneck effect vs founder effect?

bottleneck effect is an evolutionary event in which population size is radically reduced because of catastrophic events. founder effect occur when few individuals migrate from main population and establishes a separate population in new geographical location. both of these are special cases of genetic drift.

What is genic drift?

Genetic drift is change in allele frequencies due to random chance events. Two types are the Founder effect and the Bottleneck effect. The founder effect is when a subset of a population goes to a new are where there are no other of that same species. The bottleneck effect is when a large population is reduced to a small population. Genetic drift decreases variation in a population and has a greater effect on a smaller population than a larger one.

What is the difference between the Bottleneck Effect and the Founder Effect?

The term Bottleneck Effect is used when a population has been reduced at some point in time to a small number of individuals with a loss of genetic diversity as a result. The population size may return but the bottleneck effect will be seen in the loss of genetic variation. The Founder Effect also describes a population with a loss in genetic variation, however the cause is not associated a decrease on total population, but in a small part of the original population moving into a new habitat and becoming genetically isolated from the original population.

Which is an example of genetic drift?

Allele frequencies change randomly each generation. APEX

The number of trout in a lake drops when the lake is polluted. The trout population increases but the allele frequency is different than it was before the pollution. What type of effect is this?

Apex . . bottleneck

What is a change in allele frequency that results from the migration of a small subgroup of a population called?

founder effect founder effect

Genetic drift resulting from a disaster that drastically reduces population size is called?

The bottleneck effect.

When a few individuals start a new colony it most likely results in?

Extinction due to bottleneck effect

The sharp reduction of the gene pool and the numbers of a population through a severe epidemic is an example of?

the bottleneck effect

When few individuals start a new colony it most likely results?

Extinction due to the bottleneck effect.

What are two types of genetic drift?

Founder effect- isolation of few individuals from larger population; new population forms with different gene pool. Bottleneck effect- Drastic reduction of population size leading to a restrictive gene pool in wich the population must use to recover. Forms population with different gene pool.