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Lord Shiva doesn't have any hands. He does not have any form except Lingam form

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Q: What do the four hands of shiva represent?
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What does Shiva appear to be?

Shiva has four arms, four faces, and three eyes and is depicted as a terrifying deity.

What does Vishnu represent?

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Who are the four deities surrounding the shiva lingam in shiva temple?

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How many arms is the Hindu god Vishnu depicted as having?

Depends. Normally with four hands. But in his 'universal form' he has hundreds of arms, infinite, infinite heads. Search in 'Google' images for universal form of Krishna (being none other than Vishnu). The 'avataras', Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, and Buddha, being human, will have only two hands.

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Lakshmi has lots of hands to represent what she does.

What does the serpent represent on shiva?

Lord Shiva represents the aspect of the Supreme Being (Brahman of the Upanishads) that continuously dissolves to recreate in the cyclic process of creation, preservation, dissolution and recreation of the universe.

Lela star has a tattoo on her back?

yes, she has a beautiful and fresh tattoo on her smooth back. It's of SHIVA- the indian god of destruction. He has four hands and a snake around his neck. I love lela star, she is a wonder woman

What is the meaning of shivansh?

Shiv + ansh = shivanshShivans means the part of lord of lord shiva. Shiva is considered to be infinite.Shiva has no known origin and no known end. Mathematically it is represented by -infinity to +infinity.To represent shiva in finite form in this world, is to take a part in quantifiable term, and name it as shivans.

Is Shiva female?

In Hinduism male means facilitating force (Saguna Brahman) and female means retarding force (Nirguna Brahman)All Hindu gods are made of these forces only.In Shiva the retarding force is Parvati.Separate existence of Shiva and Parvati makes activities that need great effort slow and sluggish. To make such activities fast and efficient the Shiva and Parvati forces were considered as one. Symbolically, this is represent by uniting right half of Shiva with left half of Parvati, resulting in Ardhanareeshwara.Thus, Shiva being half male and half male is symbolic of the facilitating and retarding forces working harmoniously.Therefore, Shiva can be half male and half female.

Who is Shiven?

The Sanskrit word, 'Shiven' means 'of LORD SHIVA'. Shiva is an adjective meaning auspicious, kind, gracious. Shiva is a major Hindu god. In the Shaiva tradition of Hinduism, Shiva is seen as supreme God. Followers of Hinduism who focus their worship upon Shiva are called Shaivites or Shaivas. Shiva is usually worshipped in the form of 'Shiva linga'. In images, he is generally represented as immersed in deep meditation or dancing the Tandava upon maya, the demon of ignorance in his manifestation of Nataraja, the lord of the dance. In some other Hindu denominations, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva represent the three primary aspects of the divine in Hinduism and are collectively known as the Trimurti or trinity. In this school of religious thought, Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the maintainer or preserver, and Shiva is the destroyer or transformer.

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Which musical instrument can be seen in the hands of Lord Shiva?

Sanskrit: Dhamruk Telugu: Dhamarukam Tamil: Udakai English: Drum (a small one)