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It means that there was a girl who was shot and her boyfriend holds her as she bleeds to death and then the boyfriend sees the gun on the floor and runs after her killer and then he shoots him in the back straight through the heart, and then he's 25 years old and he realizes that shooting the killer didn't solve anything and that it didn't bring the girl back.

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Q: What do the lyrics to kiss it all better by he is you mean?
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Nelly Furtado's song "Say it Right" seems to be what you are looking for. However, this site tells us that the actual lyrics are "you don't mean nothing at all to me." I like your version better, but if you buy it, you might want to check the album liner to be sure of the lyrics. :)

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Music, by its very nature, is meaningless. It is play. That is why we enjoy it. Because of the temporality of sound.Alan Watts, philosopher, called it the most spiritual of all the arts.If you mean by your question, the lyrics of said genres, then we can discuss the meaning of words.Lyrics have different meaning for their writers and those who hear them.But "better meaning" ?Better for whom or what? Do you expect lyrics to improve the world? Your behavior?

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You Are My All In All is a song by Dennis Jernigan. Lyrics to the song can be found on websites such as E Lyrics and Lyrics Mode. There are also videos that display the lyrics on YouTube.

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if you dont like PDA then i would kiss alone, but if you dont mind if people see you kiss and all then go ahead and do it with people around. But it is whatever you are most comftorable with.. (^_^)

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ghds are all the same just different colour to be honest.! x

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what does the song of bsb everything but mine mean in the lyrics and shattered mean and love will keep you up all night

If a boy really likes you will he kiss your lips or your cheek?

Not neccesarily either. If he does kiss you at all it doesnt definitely mean he likes you, but if he doesnt kiss you it does not mean he doesnt like you. Some guys are just shy, and most of the shy guys will dump you if you pressure him. Every boy is different.