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Small and red, rich in haemoglobin, carry oxygenated blood to tissues of the body

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Q: What do the red blood cells and the white blood cells do to the body?
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Why does your body need red blood cells and white blood cells?

Red blood cells carry oxygen to the cells in your body while the white blood cells fight diseases.

Is oxygen delivered to the cells of the body by white blood cells or red blood cells?

Red blood cells transport oxygen throughout the body. White blood cells aid in the fight against infection.

Distinguish between red blood cells and white blood cells?

White blood cells: Destroys foreign materials. Red blood cells: transport oxygen throughout the body.

Do you have more red blood cells or white blood cells in your body?

You have more red blood cells in your body than white because white blood cells only tend to produce when your body is under pressure by pressure I mean an illness . Plus for each tiny drop of blood we have there are over 5 million red blood cells in side :)

What are the two kinds of blood cells inside your body?

White blood cells and red blood cells.

What are the differences in red and white blood cells?

white blood cells protect the body from disease while red carry oxygen

What type of cells make up your body?

red and white blood cells

What is the fucntion of red and white blood cells?

Red blood cells carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. White Blood Cells fight foreign materials in the body.

Difference between red and white blood cells?

Red blood cells are the cells that carry oxygen. The white blood cells are the cells that defend the body against infections.

Why does the body need white and red blood cells?

Yes, without white blood cells one germ could kill you, and red blood cells carry air throughout ur body

Does your body is protected from disease by red blood cells?

no. white blood cells and antibodies

How many red blood cells and white blood cells does a human body have?

Billions! :)