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Sunni is a sect of Islam

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Q: What is a Sunni means?
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What does sunni and shi'ah mean?

sunni means followers of muhammad. but i do not know what shi'ah means sorry

What Sunni means?

Answer 1Sunni literally means who follow Sunnah (practice) of prophet Muhammad SAWW. but shia Muslims believe they are real sunni. according to shia Muslims any Muslim who does not believe in Imamat as one of five pillars of Islam is a sunni Muslim.

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85 percent of Muslims are?


Who is Sunni for the Muslims?

"Sunni" is not a person. It comes from the word "Sunna" which means "customs and traditions [of Islam]". A "Sunni" is a person who follows the "Sunna".Answer 2According to Shia Islam a Sunni Muslim is a Muslim who does not believe in Imamat (choosing the leader who inherent divine knowledge of prophet SAWW by God after prophet) as one of the five pillars of Islam.

The Ottomans were what type of Muslims?

Most of them were Sunni Hanafis.

Are sunni and Muslims the same thing?

sunni iz a type of Muslim but Muslim iznt a type of sunni!!!:DGlad u asked :) Sunni is ( Muslim ) and Muslims also have ( Sheea ) < i don't know how to spell it actually anyways there r two types of Muslims Sunnah and sheea ! and they're both Muslims believe in god but they have issues ! anyways hope i helped :)

Are Turks shia or sunni?

the kurds are sunni muslim

Is nida yasir shea or sunni?

Sunni obviously

Shahid afridi shia or sunni?

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Is Gadafi a Sunni or Shiite?

he was Sunni.