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its like people say opposites attract. EX: north and south would attract, but if you had north and north together they would repel against each other. so it would be the charges attract one to one....

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12y ago
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14y ago

All the electron are aligned in one direction south> north> south> north> (attraction)

if you put north><north or south><south they are facing the wrong way and repulse each other.

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15y ago

Unlike magnetic poles attract each other.

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Q: Why do unlike magnetic poles attract?
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Do magnetic poles that are alike attract?

alike magnetic poles do not attract because according to the law of magnetism, it is stated that unlike magnetic poles attract and alike poles repel.

What do unlike poles of magnetic do?

They attract when binded

What is the third law of magnetism?

Like magnetic poles repel, unlike poles attract.

Why do unlike magnetic poles attract and like magnetic poles repel?

to put it simply no one knows yet ^It's known, I just don't know it

What happens when you move unlike magnetic poles closer together?

They will attract each other.

What happen when you move two unlike magnetic poles closer together?

They will attract each other.

What are the characteristic of magnetic attraction and repulsion?

That the effects obey the square of the distance "law".

Do North poles attract North poles?

We know that like magnetic poles repel and opposite magnetic poles attract. North will repel north and south will repel south. On the other hand, north and south attract each other.

Do magnetic poles that are not like attract?

Yes, the north attracts south, and vice versa. Just as like poles repel.

What is it called when like poles repel and unlike poles attract?


What is the relationship between the poles on the magnet?

like poles attract unlike poles repel

Are there positive and negative magnetic charges analogous to positive and negative electric charges?

Outside the dubious field of magnetic therapists, the terms 'positive' and 'negative' are not applied to magnetic polarities. Furthermore, we do not describe magnetic polarity as a 'charge'. However, magnetic poles and electric charges follow the same rule -i.e. like poles repel while unlike poles attract.