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If the time comes for your Tama to have their job interview and doesn't qualify for any job just yet, don't worry! Just earn some more skill points, by eating special foods like melons or pineapples, or playing games. When they are more educated, they will have a better chance of getting their job.

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14y ago

Your Tamagotchi probably won't go to work or school, because it isn't signed up. Wait for your special occasion mail to get a job! Earn skill points by playing games!

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How do you get job for tamagotchi v4?

To get a job, you need to wait until the tamagotchi is of adult age 3+ i believe it is, and you should get important post the [!] will be flashing and then you will have a job, the job will vary according to your life points.

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it wont break. I've done it a million times. It doesnt do anything to your tamagotchi and if your tamagotchi's batteries die, then all you have to do is put new batteries in and instead of pressing reset, you press download. Does that answer your question?

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when your tamagotchi is mad, crying, or has his/her back to you praise it. sometimes it will need training but will not have these emotions. you can know when this happens when your tamagotchi's 10th button lights up. *sometimes those emotions mean your tamagotchi is not at all happy*

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it doesnt turn off until the bateries die :)

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you can get fired and not be able to become a physical therapist again or have to restart again with your degree.

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A year on tamagotchis is usually a day. Like 2 days = 2 years BUT if your tamagotchi goes on pause even once that day the day doesnt count. hope I helped!

What job can you get on tamagotchi v4?

You can get, a banker, work at a hospital, umm that's all i know at the moment

How do you get a job for your tamagotchi v4.5?

playing games until you become adults ( not all the time though )

How can you change you job for your tamagotchi v4?

Sorry hun', once you've got a job you cannot change it. hope i helped you :) no it does not help thats not a answer