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Amy Jurgens

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Q: What do you call a process where the loss of water through the stomata of a leaf takes place?
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The tiny openings through which evaporation takes place in the leaves of plants are called?

This is the stomata it is very difficult to get this answer cause of the waxy layer of the leaf

Where does transpiration takes place in a plant?

Through the stomata of the leaves.

How do green plants transpire?

Transpiration in green plants takes place through the stomata and cuticle. The stomata perform the function of gaseous exchange and during this process water vapours also get transferred due to difusion.

What are the 2 functions of stomata?

Massive amounts of gaseous exchange takes place through stomata and it is also used in absorbing water.

What are stomata and what are they?

exchange of gases takes place by simple diffusion directly into each cell through the openings present in epidermis called stomata. Stomata are found on the underside of leaves. :)

What are the two structures in plants through where exchange of gases takes place?

the bum hole The Stomata's

How do terrestrial plants obtain carbon dioxide?

Through respiration which takes place due to the presence of stomata in the plant body.

What do you call the tiny openings on the underside of the leaves?

Stomata. These are the openings through which stomatal transpiration as well as gas exchange takes place.

What process takes place in leaves?


In the leaves of flowering plants where does the process of photosynthesis occur?

Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts of a leaf, more specifically in the stacks (grana) of the disks called thykaloids.

How do these structures participate in plant transpiration?

It takes place in the leaves. The plant loses vapor through its leaves.

Why stomata absent in underwater plants?

if stomata would bepresent in underwater plants water will enter through the stomata fill the plant. Hence their is no Stomata in underwater plants.