

What animals have 8 stomachs?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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An octogastric animal



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Q: What animals have 8 stomachs?
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What animals beside cows have four stomachs?

No animal has four stomachs.

Differences between rumminant and non rumminant animals?

Ruminant animals are those that have hooved feet and four stomachs. Non-ruminant animals have feet or paws, and they do not have this number of stomachs.

Do plants have a stomach?

No. Stomachs are only present in animals. Plants do not need stomachs because they do not eat.

What type of animals throw up their stomachs?

frogs and starfish

Which Animals have teeth in their stomachs?

the animal with their teeth in their stomach is a lobster

What two animals have four stomachs?

There are actually many animals that have four stomachs; two of the commonly known ones in the United States are cattle and bison.

What animal has 3 stomach?

There are a few animals that have 3 stomachs. Some of the animals are llamas, camels, and other relatives of these animals.

How many stomachs do buffalo have?

Bison have four stomachs like all other bovines in the bovidae family.

What are traits for most vets?

No Queazy stomachs, Calm and Relaxed, Good with animals

What is the name of the animal with three stomachs?

Animals with multiple stomachs are known as ruminants. Examples of these are cattle, sheep and goats. They do not actually have multiple stomachs, but stomachs which have a number of 'compartments'. The examples given above are characterised by having four distinct sections to their stomachs, although camelids (camels, llamas, alpacas, vicunas) have a slightly different arangement and are sometimes described as having three stomachs.

Why does animals have gizzards but human doesn't?

Gizzards are stomachs but are in animals we call them gizzards because they are formed different from the human