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I believe they are called icebergs... The process is called calving though
These chunks of ice that break away from the glacier are called icebergs. The process is called Calving.

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Q: What do you call massive chunks of ice that break away from glaciers?
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What do you call massive chunks of the ice that breaks away from glaciers?

call a massive chunls of ice that breaks away from glaciers

How does a iceburg form?

Icebergs are formed when large pieces of ice break off of glaciers. These chunks of ice will begin to float away until they reach the ocean.

What is a glaciers that floats away in the ocean?

Icebergs are glaciers that typically break off of ice shelves.

How do icebergs work?

Icebergs are simply bigger or smaller chunks of glaciers or shelf ice that breaks off and drift away. Usually they drift towards the equator, melting slowly as they go, until they disappear.

Why did 5500 square kilometres of ice break away in Antarctica?

Icebergs break away from Antarctica regularly, because they are the glacial ice-river flows from its glaciers. When the bergs lose their 'land footing' and float into sea water do to this flow, soon enough the sea water's action breaks away the 'tongue' and an iceberg will float freely.

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What the 2 most common kinds of glaciers?

There are 2 main types of glaciers, Continental is one, they float away from central regions. The second is alpine or valley which are the glaciers that flow down the valley from the mountain.

What is the process of ice breaking in smaller pieces?

In reference to glaciers or icebergs,when smaller pieces break off and fall away,it is called "calving", as though the parent ice formation were having a calf.

How are glaciers and Icebergs alike?

A glacier is a frozen river, which forms in freezing conditions high up in mountains. As it reaches lower altitudes, it may melt. However, in some parts of the world, especially in Greenland and in Antarctica, the air is so cold that the glacier can reach the sea and remain frozen. When this happens, the glacier pushes the frozen water out into the ocean. Eventually, under the influence of wave action or internal stresses, a lump of ice breaks off. This process is known as calving. The lump of ice is now free to float away. It is called an iceberg.

What wears away igneous rocks?

Entrained grit in glaciers and rivers.

How were fjord created?

Fjords are the channels of old glaciers that have melted away

What does a glacial drift do?

A glacial drift deposits and carries away glaciers