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Ignore them, or say thank you I take that as a compliment then they will freak out but they won't say anything back except you're welcome.

Just say "No." and flip 'em the bird. It works! There was this girl who used to do stuff like that to me. I used this system and she stopped bothering me. We kinda became friends.

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Q: What do you call someone who calls you an idiot?
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What does it mean when a girl calls you an idiot?

The word 'idiot' means you are not very intelligent and for her to call you that is an insult and she has no right calling you that. If she ever calls you this again and you have done nothing to make her say this then tell her to have a good look in the mirror because that is what a real idiot looks like.

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an Idiot!

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Are you allowed to? Yes. Is it a good parenting practice? No.

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\welll you have bad grammer that is for sure

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Because she wanted someone to call them but she only just met them, are you an idiot and a half?

Why wont your girlfriend call me if I say she's fat?

Because you're an idiot. Why would she want to be with someone who criticizes her. You're someone to like her for who she is.