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Q: What do you call someone who does not believe in one specific religion?
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What do you call someone who is prejudiced against other religions?

I do not believe they have a name for it but I know thatAtheistare anti religion.

What do you call someone who is against religion?

Very confused. Religion is what you truly believe and what you practice through your lifestyle. EVERYONE has a religion. Atheism is a religion. There's even a religion for those who don't care about life or truth at all.

What do you call someone who does not have any religion?

An atheist

What do you call someone that dies for his religion?

A martyr.

How do you call someone who joins a religion?

If you're asking what you call someone who joins a religion, then you just still call them by their name. But if you're asking how you call someone who's joined a religion, calling them should still mostly be the same. Just dial the number on your phone, they're not going to kill you.

Does karma have to have a specific consequence?

I wouldn't call it karma, nor would it bring on something specific. But if you do something bad to someone intentionally, then to the same extent it will come back to you. Same goes for good. Only I wouldn't call it karma. I believe if you bless someone, then God will bless you.

What do we call a person who believe in a power but not in a religion?


What do you call someone who believes in the spirit of nature?

A pagan or wiccan religion believes in the power of the earth and "mother nature" is one of their godesses. But many people believe in nature but dont believe that theyre pagan.

What do you call one who believes in nothing at all?

An atheist is someone that does not believe in a specific religion, but some of them still believe in the existence of a higher Begin. A person who we call a Agnostic is a person who does not believe in anything at all. The English term "agnostic" comes from the Greek word "agnostos," which means, "to not know." An agnostic is one who admits, "I don't know." People who call themselves Agnostic's, are the people who are not afraid to admit that they do not know for sure that there is no God. They would just rather live in the now and believe in what they experience around them.

What do you call someone if you sort of believe in god?

If someone decides not to believe that there is not a God, then that is their choice - why the need to call them anything - live and let live.

What is the religion that Catholics believe?

A version of Christianity they call Roman Catholicism.

What do you call somebody if they don't believe in god or any religion?
