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Q: What do you call the part of an egg that provides air for the developing chick?
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Related questions

Does all of the early embryo become part of the chicken?

No , the "white" part of the egg is the food of the developing chick

How does the egg yolk help a developing chick growing inside the egg?

An egg yolk is an undeveloped egg. If the egg is fertilised it would become a chick. The eggs we eat are the equivalent of a women's period (time of the month). Dark

How does a developing chick nourish itself while inside the egg shell?

The developing chick feeds on the yolk sac, much like the baby of live bearing animals attaches to the placenta. The chick has enough nutrients when born to got 24 hours without beginning on chick starter.

What is the yellow part of an egg called that is eaten?

The yellow part of an egg is called the 'yolk' and its purpose is to feed the developing embryo (chick).

Which part of the egg help to protect the developing chick?

The part of the egg that protects the developing chick is the Shell. The shell is actually one of natures best designed containers. You cannot see them but the shell has thousands of small pore on its surface that allow moisture to enter. The shell is made almost entirely of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) which is very hard.

What is the function of the white inside the hen's egg?

The white part of the egg surrounding the yolk is call the albumen or glaire. Albumen accounts for much of an egg's liquid weight, about 66%. The white of an egg contains more than half the egg's total protein, a majority of the egg's niacin, riboflavin, magnesium, potassium and sodium. The albumen provides the liquid medium and protein for the growth of a developing chick.

What provide food for a growing chick inside an egg?

inside an egg, the white part provides food for it. the chicken itself grows in the yolk.

What part of speech is the word chick?

Chick is a noun.

What part of the egg provide food for the chick?

The germinal disc. The egg is really just a single cell, until it is fertilized. The blastodisc (white spot on top of the yolk) is what will become part of the fetus when fertilized with sperm. Then the fetus feeds off the yolk to continue developing.

What part of speech is chick?

A noun.

How does developing chick nourish itself while inside the eggshell?

What you see when you crack open an egg is Yolk and albumen, the white and the yellow. This is actually the food for the developing chick when the egg is fertilized and incubated. The chick uses this food for the 21 days it takes to develop. It gets nutrients from the yolk. If you have ever studied the development of an egg you will see what happens. I have seen chicks born out of an incubator with the yolk still attached to their bodies....

What is the function of eggyolk and eggwhite?

The egg yolk is the part of the egg which feeds the developing embryo. The egg white protects the egg yolk and and provides additional nutrition for the growth of the embryo.