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If you sponsor someone for something you their their sponsor, their advocate, their promoter, or their mentor.

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Q: What do you call yourself if you were the who sponsored someone?
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What do you call a person who is being sponsored by someone else?

A very fortunate person!!!!

What do you call a person who is being sponsored?

You just say their sponsored Answer: Sponsee

What do you call to pester someone?

If you want to pester someone you can call their phone number. This could be a friend, family member, or a stranger. You could repeat yourself and say hi, hi, how are you. Repeating yourself can be annoying and a pester for people.

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It says "someone you sponsored", not "someone who sponsored you". It means that when any player who puts your username as their sponsor when signing up to howrse gets their first Karma point then you get a reward.

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If you don't like to fight or stand up for yourself.

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Yes, if someone breaks into your home you should hide and lock yourself somewhere safe and call 911.

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You can go to a doctor; you can't just diagnose yourself with depression. Secondly, you can call a hotline, a trusted adult, someone in your church, a counselor, etc. There are resources for you & there are people who want to help you.

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Drive to the hospital yourself or call someone. If you don't have a phone, get to the car! :]

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Someone who has exceeded expectations, or gone above and beyond the call of duty.

Why do you not laugh when you tickle yourself?

When someone tickles you sensitive nerves, your laughing is a distress call, not because you're amused. When you tickle yourself, you don't need to send a call. If you tickle to much, you just stop.

How do you get sponsored in call of duty modern warfare 2 on the 360?

Be crazy good and send recorded games into companies that you want to get sponsored by

How do people video chat with you on ooVoo?

Someone will call you. You click on answer. Then the person and yourself will pop up on the screen. Enjoy!