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voluntary muscles

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Q: What do you control the movement of these muscles?
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What you control the movement of these muscles?

voluntary muscles

Muscles that you connot control movement of are muscles?

Involuntary muscles

You control the movement of these muscles?


What kind of muscles are the cardiac muscles?

They are considered involuntary muscles, as you are unable to control their movement.

What muscles do you control the movement of?

they are called caultonary muscles. YOU want to use them

How many muscles control the movement of the hand?

about twenty

What A pair of muscles that work together to control movement?

i do not no

What is a example for movement?

Movement is when your move your body with your muscles. You are using kinetic energy to control the movement in your body.

How many muscles are in the eye?

Orbital muscles of the eye include:Superior ObliqueInferior ObliqueSuperior rectusinferior rectuslateral rectusmedial rectusLevator Palpebrae superioris (controls eyelid)So 17 muscles control the movement of the many eye muscles control swiveling movement?

Tissue that contract and relax to produce movement?

the muscles produce movement through contraction and relaxation. they can be skeletal muscles, smooth muscles or cardiac muscles skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles,that we use for locomotion and other activities.we can control their actions. they are straited muscles. smooth musles are the involuntary muscles that are present in the walls of respiratory, urinary, gastro-intestinal and genital tract and muscles of iris. we cannot voluntarily control them.they are non striated muscles. example - we cannot control digestion. cardiac muscles are involuntary but striated

What movement they cause if biceps and triceps work?

Those muscles control the movement of the arms, particularly the forearms.

Is your backbone a voluntary or a involuntary?

Neither. The terms voluntary and involuntary apply to muscles, and the backbone isn't a muscle. The muscles that control its movement are voluntary as you can consciously control them.