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Some medicines, or the additives and fillers in a medicine, may trigger Migraine in susceptible patients. Those patients usually need to have a conversation with their prescribing physician about alternatives that may be less likely to trigger a Migraine attack.

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Yes, alcohol can be a potent Migraine trigger for some patient.

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Yes, Jicama may trigger Migraine in susceptible individuals. However, not all patients have the same triggers, and not all triggers will trigger a Migraine every time they are encountered.

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Migraine is a genetic neurologic disease - its cause is your genetic makeup. Migraine is not a symptom. However it might be possible for a medicine like Depakote to trigger a Migraine in a genetically susceptible person. For best results in diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and other headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache and Migraine specialist.

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Yes,it can cause migraine.

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Yes, it's possible for nearly anything, including Hydroxycut, to be a Migraine trigger for a susceptible individual.

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Lettuce can be a Migraine trigger for some individuals.

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Migraine triggers are very individual. It is very possible that just the smell of cinnamon can be a trigger for some people.

Does cockroaches have asthma?

no but they are a trigger