

What do you do if you know you are immortal?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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No one is immortal. Death comes for us all. If you know for a fact you ARE immortal, you should seek professional help.

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My name is isaac gregory tuffelmire. i was born 4.17.93. i am immortal my grandfather on my fathers side is immortal. he was originally john smith. i know the original tuffelmire. he is 596 years old. woman cannot be immortal. i am dying to meet more immortal people. if you are immortal then give me an email at many immortal people have supernatural abilitys. Jonas Tuffelmire can make time stand still. i made time stand still once, i could walk on water. mortals are evil. i want to create an immortal female so mortals will go extinct. if you are immortal or know someone who is immortal then email me. please do not email me asking to meet john smith or anything of the sort.

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if they do exist yes they are immortal.. theyre has been many disputes on this topic in Ireland and coming from northern kilttown I would know.

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well no what are volves do you know beacuse i dont know standard

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No you don't. It's an online free game from what I know.

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"you never know". Its a great poem.