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You may want to consider the factors again, but remember that you do not need to do what your friends want to do, so ultimately the decision still lies with you.

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Q: What do you do when a boy likes you a lot and all your friends want you to give him a chance but you don't find him attractive at all?
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You DONT! unless he likes you

What should you do when a boy likes you but you dont know who he is?

Ask your friends who he is.

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well that depends. why dont you ask him if hes just your friend, or he thinks more of you ? and if you dont have enough confidience to do that , then get one of his friends to ask him who he likes and see if he likes you . well that depends. why dont you ask him if hes just your friend, or he thinks more of you ? and if you dont have enough confidience to do that , then get one of his friends to ask him who he likes and see if he likes you .

How do you tell a guy you like them but dont know if they like you back?

Maybe you should get one of your friends to ask this persons brother, sister,friend who he likes but not to mention your name and then ask him out if he likes you or just take a chance be brave and be prepared for heartbreak.

Does a boy likes you if he invited you to the movies or should you ask him?

well not technically he might just wanna be friends with you but if you already are friends then take a chance but if your scared then just kindof be layed back and dont be to obvious! Always happy to answer tell me how it goes!

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Find some who do.

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kick boy friends butt!! no dont do that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, if you said that you have been long time friends with the girl,then you must know if she likes you or not. To find out, maybe you can ask some of her friends or her siblings, or maybe you can just ask her straightforward(dont really recommend that!). If you guys are really close friends and apparently have same interests, then there is a chance that she likes you. Just go ask her out already! What's there to lose?

How do you make your friends stop talking about the boy that likes you?

just be cool ask them to stop and if they dont they are not good friends are they.

If your guy friend makes fun of your friends but not that a sign that a guy likes you?

probably but make sure you dont laugh with him so you dont loose your friends

How do you get another chance with a girl who told you she wants to be JUST friends?

u dont!