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you had to fine the mom

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Q: What do you do when a cat leaves it baby and that is not your kittens?
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Related questions

Does a girl cat need a boy cat to have baby kittens?

of course!

Is a cat kitten a cub?

No baby cats are just kittens

Is a baby house cat called a cat cub?

no, not usually. Most people call them kittens.

What is a baby kittens mothers name?

A mother cat is normally known as a "she"

How do mom tigers take care of there baby's?

They care for kittens the same way your house cat cares for her kittens.

Your cat is not attentive to her kittens is this normal?

it is perfectly normal. usually what happens is that she leaves the kittens alone so she can provide them whatever they need.

What would happen if a female cat becomes pregnant by her son cat?

she'll just have baby kittens

Why did the cat move her 1 week old kittens from the corner of the closet into the baby's playpen?

She felt that her kittens would be safer there.

If a mom cat has a litter and leaves for a year and she comes back and one of her kittens are gone will she notice?


How many baby dog can a cat have at one time?

None. Dogs have baby dogs (puppies). Cats have kittens.

Can lions have kittens like other cats?

No.but they can have kittens but, the real name lion kittens are cubs.Cubs are kittens of lions,leopards,and others.but the cat's baby is really called kitten(s)

What two animals are called kittens?

Young rats, cats, rabbits, squirrels, skunks, hedgehogs & beavers, their young are called kittens.