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  • You cannot make a person love you and you will have to accept that. Most people have loved someone at least once in their lives that did not love them back and it hurts. However, if it was meant to be it would and it's mere destiny that things happen in this way even if it is heartbreaking because if it didn't happen then you would not eventually meet the true love of your life in the future.
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Q: What do you do when a guy that you still love but does not love you back?
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I think the reason some girls go back to a guy when they do this is because they feel they do still love the guy. The best thing to do is pull yourself up by your boot straps and move on.

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When he is back and you still love him then why asking the question. Simply go and enjoy.......

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Apologize to him. Plus, break up with the new guy.

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To get the attention of a guy that you love but he doesn't love you back would be to talk about some things that he likes just to get you started.

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Be there for him when he is sad, still show that you care for him, it doesnt always work, but that can get into a guy's heart answer:

How can you get someones feelings back up even though they still love you deep down?

(coming from a guy) if you still love them tell them. if they are shy or afraid of commitment talk with them about that.put yourself in their shoes

How do you know if the guy you love loves you back?

the guy tells you

Can you be in love with a guy an still be in love with the other?

Yes, you can be in love with a guy and still be in love with another one. It isn't uncommon to love two people at a time but it may cause problems in both of the relationships.

What happens when you love a guy but he does not love you back?

You get over it and move on.

You love a guy but he doesn't love you back what can you do now?

Forget him

What do you saY to a guy that broke up with you for no reson that still loves you and you love him?

FIRST, find out the reason that why he broke up with you. NEXT, if both of you still love each other then maybe you should get back together.

How do you get your boyfriend back when he dumped you but still wants to be with you?

It appears this guy is extremely immature and not ready for any type of commitment. When you love someone you just don't dump them, but still want them. Tell this guy to hit the bricks!