

What do you do with dirty sand from a pool filter?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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I have always either broadcast the used sand over the lawn or mixed it thoroughly with the soil. Works with clay soil.

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Q: What do you do with dirty sand from a pool filter?
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What has gone wrong if there is Sand in filter?

Nothing if its a sand filter However if sand is coming into the pool from the filter then you may have to replace one ore more laterals in the sand filter as they have worn and are letting sand through to the pool,

When you turn the pump and filter on to your pool the filter blows dirty water into the pool for a couple of seconds Then it is clean What could the problem be?

put the filter in rinse for a little while and see if that helps You have a damaged filter element in the D E filter. A: Sand filters will sometimes blow dust back to the pool.

Why do you have sand in your gunite pool?

If you have a sand filter the laterals in it may be starting to show signs of wear these wil blow sand from the sand filter into the pool when they wear out.

Pool pump works on circulate but not on filteration?

THis indicates that the pump is struggling to push water through a dirty bed of sand when on filter. When on recirculate, the water bypasses the sand and flows through the valve back to the pool. Change your sand or run a cleaner through it.

How do you chlorinate your pool with a sand filter?

Yes, if the sand in the "sand filter" is dirty. Clean water from the pool passes over the dirty sand bed in the filter thus reducing the amount of chlorine in the water. If it is sand from the beach or surrounding landscape - the answer is also yes because it is adding contaminants to the pool water. Anything that comes in contact with the water reduces sanitizer levels including the sun, wind, humans, pets, ducks, dust, pollen, cosmetics, under arm deodorants and on and on. Ken

What happens when you put brown sand in a pool filter instead of white silica sand?

It could damage the internal PVC of the filter and cause sand to get in your pool.

Pool sand filter is making your pool green?

The sand filter wont make a pool green this happens a s a result of algae.

Sand dollar pool filters what causes low presurecomimg from filter?

Plugged pump, very dirty filter. Do you actually mean the filter or the pump. Filter is big tank. Pump is small unit with motor attached.

Some sand in bottom of your pump from vacuuming pool above ground is this normal?

If you are getting sand coming into the pool and have a sand filter you may have to replace worn laterals in the sand filter.

Does pool filer sand filter out chemicals?


Can you get sick from the sand in a pool sand filter?

Yes, it just depends on what kind of sand it is

What quantity of sand is recommended for a pool filter?

Your filter will tell you on the side of it how much media sand to put in it.