

What do you feed lobsters?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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12y ago

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I've found that my pet lobster (Thadeus) often enjoys pieces of shredded cheddar with bacon crumbled. Almost every time I put that in his tank, its gone with in five minutes. I was told however, that lobsters are highly allergic to any kind of nut, so I strongly go against sloping some peanuts in your pets tank.

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14y ago

If you're talking about Homarus americanus, New England lobster, in captivity, the answer is: FEED THEM ANY TYPE OF SALTWATER SEAFOOD.. THEY ESPECIALLY LOVE BLUEFISH CHUNKS, CALAMARI (squid), and SMELT

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13y ago

lobster are bottom feeders, they eat the slime and the dirt in the bottom of the tank, but you can also put small fish in the tank and the lobster will eat those.

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14y ago

lobsters are actually scavengers, so they will most likely accept anything.

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What do lobsters eat in restaurant tanks?

usally nothing.but they will eat each others feelers or even each other if one should die.if u put a peice of food in a tank with alot of lobsters they are hungry and they will kill each other to get the it is best not to try and feed them.

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Do lobsters eat their young?

Lobsters typically don't eat their own young, but they will eat baby lobsters from other parents. Lobsters often eat their old shell.