

What do you get when you put two negatives together?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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You get a negative

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12y ago
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Q: What do you get when you put two negatives together?
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When you have two negatives do you add or subtract?

When you have two negatives, you add the magnitudes, but since, you have both negatives, the direction of the resultant magnitude is along the negative direction, so you add the magnitude and put the negative sign.

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What do two negatives equal two?

When combining (adding) two negatives you get a negative. When multiplying two negatives you will get a positive.

How do you write a formula to subtract a negative minus a negative?

a negative minus a negative = a positive. the two negatives put together make a plus sign. example... 5-(-7) = 13

When does two negatives make a positive?

When two negative real numbers are multiplied together, the product is a positive real number.

What are contractions and negatives?

Contractions are two words that can be put together like "I am" can become "I'm"It can make a sentence shorter. "We will be going to the white house" or "We'll be going to the white house." Negatives words like no, not, none, never. It can influence and persuade a reader with negative tone and negative words.

Is it true that the product of two negative numbers is sometimes a negative number?

No, two negatives multiplied together always form a positive number.

Two negatives equal what?

It is said that two negatives equal a positive when multiplying them with coefficients.

When do two negatives make a positive?

Two negatives make a positive in multiplication and division

What is the height of 50 cent?

Two quarters put together! Two quarters put together! Two quarters put together!

In algebra is there a rule that states multipling two negatives or adding two negatives equals a positive?

yes !

Can you put negatives in scientific notation?
