

What do you mean by poverty?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: What do you mean by poverty?
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this means freedom from poverty

What does poverty stricken mean?

poverty means really poor with no food or money

What does poverty of affect mean?

Lack of affect.

What does Gregory mean when he says he was pregnant with poverty?

Sastisfied with it

What is the poverty gap ratio?

TPG = The extent to which the incomes of the poor people lie below the poverty line - is found by adding up the amounts by which each poor persons income Yi falls below the absolute poverty line Yp

What does the metaphor lonely islands of poverty mean?

lonely islands of poverty mean that people are always left lonely if poor in simple terms no one comes in times of need

Was the Vietnam War on Poverty a good or bad idea and how did it turn out?

Your question is unclear. Do you mean Lyndon Johnson's "War on poverty" or "The Vietnam War?" Never heard of a "Vietnam war on poverty."

What does poverty mentality mean?

the average charactoristics of one who is poor

What does mass poverty mean?

It refers to when a lot of people are poor.

What is indigent mean?

Indigent means poor or poverty stricken.

How does poverty in one nation have an impact beyond that nation?

Poverty in one nation would mean that: -The potential output from that country is not made and therefore, the countries that trade with it would fail to exploit and benefit from their comparative advantages. -Poverty would mean hat there would be aids given out from the more richer countries. This in return would mean higher expenditures for this country. -Since poverty is closely linked to political instability, this would mean a greater trouble for world security. -If the level of poverty is high enough to affect the government, it would mean that they are more likely to default on their foreign debts. -The level of poverty would also mean that for the neighboring countries, they would need to watch out for the flow of immigrants running away from the country in poverty for a better life. THis, if uncontrolled would create a huge social problem. -

What does la pobreza mean?

Depending on usage, "poverty" or "the poor people"