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When first married of course a good sexual relationship is right up there, but don't let that fool you. The top ranking survey out there is: Honesty Can count on the person 100% They listen to what you have to say. They do nice little things for you such as making dinner if you're working late or doing dishes. Respect of each other's time Respect of "head space." Trusting you enough to let you go out with friends for an evening, etc. Backing each other with each other's hopes and dreams for the future. Getting excited over the future you will both have. Having fun times (don't have to be expensive times) and enjoying life together. Trying to get along with in-laws no matter what the problem is. My favorite ..... VERY BEST FRIENDS! To sum it up, each of you should come home with the feeling that your home is "Your Garden of Eden" and that there is love, peace and positive energy there. A place you can be you! Please understand that all marriages hit rocky spots and there are going to be misunderstandings and arguements, but that doesn't mean you don't love each other and that's where "best friends" put their heads together and resolves the problems at hand.

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Q: What do you need from a marriage?
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You need one for the state you are to be married in.

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one needs to consult a marriage counselor at the time of need and when one has problems in a marriage. For example when a couple feel like they should had a divorce.

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You only need you proof of marriage. You should have a certificate of marriage.