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One of the requirements for a minor being eligible for emancipation is that they are capable of handling their personal affairs without the need of adult intervention. Therefore it is in the best interest of the minor to do the research and gather the necessary documentation for filing an emancipation petition. Emancipation procedures, Washington state Revised Code, RCW 13.64

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Q: What do you need to do in order to get emancipated in Washington?
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Related questions

When can a minor be emancipated?

in Washington state a minor can legally be emancipated at the age of 16

Can an adult get emancipated?

An adult doesn't need to get emancipated.

Can a 15-year-old get emancipated in Washington state?

You have to be at least 16 in order the petition for emancipation in Washington state and you have to meet all the requirements in order for it to be granted. Emancipation is rarely granted in any state.

Are you emancipated in Washington state after having a baby?

No, just having a baby doesn't make you emancipated in any state.

How does a 17 year old get emancipated to leave his home?

You need to get a a judge to let you leave by court order.

How can a teenager move out in Washington state without being emancipated?

You can

Do you need parent consent to get emancipated?

You do not need parental consent to be emancipated. But it will make it more difficult and they do have to know about it.

Do you have the right to give sexual consent for yourself as a 16-year-old emancipated minor in Washington?

The age of consent is 16 in Washington so you can give consent to sex even if you are not early emancipated.

Can a 16 year old get married to an 18 year old in Washington if emancipated?

yes but only if the 16 year old was emancipated.

Can a minor be emancipated from one parents without being emancipated from the other?

you need to be 14 to be emancipated. yes it is possible, but you need to make that clear when you state your case, and to the parent you want to 'keep'. 16 to be emancipated from both.

Can you get a piercing if you're emancipated?

you should because your emancipated, you don't need a parent anymore. that's whaat being emancipated is.

In Washington State can a 17 year old move out if she is married?

{| |- | If she is married, she is emancipated. In order to get married at an age under 18, she has to have parental permission. That is enough to make her an adult. |}