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Obviously it's a bad thing - fewer habitats and they give off oxygen.

Very narrow answer to a very big question. Cutting certain trees in congested forests helps accelerate the growth of larger trees and in turn sequester more carbon. Letting trees decay and rot or burn releases carbon back the atmosphere - not good.

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11y ago

Cutting down trees is bad, but also good for humanity. It destroys animals habitats, but also helps us live. I say we should stop cutting down forests

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Q: Is cutting down trees a good or a bad thing and why?
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Is cutting down trees good for money?

Yes but not for the trees and environment

What is a good solution for deforstation?

Stop cutting down the trees.

What are tha exples of sentense?

A place for trees and animals Cutting down trees is not good

Do you think cutting down is good or not?

Cutting down on bad habits like smoking and excessive drinking can be a good thing.

why is it good cutting down trees?

it re releases the oxygen back into the atmosphere if it is burnt

How does cutting down trees in the rainforest effect the Earth's climate?

Yes, cutting down trees does affect the weather, because trees provide the world with oxygen and the rain-forest is known for its vast quantities of trees, so with less oxygen and more carbon dioxide the world gets hotter and hotter (not a good thing!). Giving is humans unbearably hot situations to live in!

Who are cutting down the rainforests and why?

People Are Cutting Down The Rainforests Because They Only Care About There Money And The People Who Cut Down Trees Which Are In Good Condition Do These Things Because They Dont Care About The Animals In The Rainforest Or Its Envioroment

What is a good closing sentence about selective cutting?

Selective cutting is the practice of cutting down only the trees that you need to harvest and leaving the rest. A good closing sentence on the subject might be: "Selective cutting prevents waste and protects the environment from waste."

What are the good things about cutting down trees in the rainfrorest's?

There really is only one good reason, to fulfill our need for items (such as paper, furniture, etc.).

Five good reasons why you shouldn't cut trees down?

Because it help use breath so if u don't want use 2 die stop cutting down trees.

Why are you cutting down trees?

construction sites,stores,parking lots,factories,gas stations,schools,playgrounds,apartments,roads,houses,and ect. im unhappy and wish they could do less on cutting trees and do more on trying to conserve trees and the earth. good question by the way

Why are humans ruining the temperate rainforest Stuipd People?

Because humans are trying to make less forest by chopping the trees down not relizialing that when they are doing this they are killing themselves on the inside because we need OXYGEN to breathe from trees so if they keep cutting down down trees....... GOOD BYE WORLD.