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Q: What do you think of the name mark possibly if you want want to to know how much to juice a jug holds?
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Would you think of volume or capacity if you wanted to know how much juice a jug holds?

volume because u want to know how much it hold so volume means how much it holds.

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Would you find the volume or the capacity if you wanted to know how much juice a jug holds?


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I do not think so. And why would you put juice in a plant. I think they would die for that. Or mybe I do not know really I never tried it.

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No one could possibly know the answer to this question since human beings have been crushing grapes to make juice and wine for thousands of years... maybe longer.

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i don't know for sure but i think it's h2O5C3

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Orange juice. was wondering does anybody what are oranges used for i know they are used in orange juice but don't knowany think else

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Don't know I think lemon juice

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I think it is a prime minister but i don't know

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I don't think Brock Lesnar drinks but he mite I don't know

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i don't know if this is correct but i think it means orange juice

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There isn't one. Once I think of the highest number I can possibly think of, I immediately think "plus one" after that. Oops, I did it again.