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happen to the soil,crops,plants,animals and exposed water acid rain

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Q: What do you think will happen to the soil crops plants animals and exposed water supply when there is acid rain?
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What do plants do for animals?

Plants supply food and oxygen for animals and humans.

Plants depend upon the activites of animals for a continuing supply of which substance?

Plants depend upon the activities of animals. This is because they need a continuous supply of carbon dioxide, which they get from animals.

Plants depend upon the activities of animals for a continuing supply of which substance?

Plants depend upon the activities of animals for a continuing supply of which substance carbon dioxide. Plants will combine water and carbon dioxide to process food.

Conclusion on interdependence between animals and plants?

Plants and animals are very dependent on each other. Plants provide the necessary food that animals need, while animals supply the reactants of photosynthesis that plants need.

Why doesn't the nutrients supply run out?

The supply of nutrient doesn't run out because of the animals. The animals waste product helps fertilize the land and again plants grow.

What is food supply?

Basically it is where you get your food from. In a primitive situation your food supply may come from fish in a lake or ocean, animals in the wood, or berries and other edible wild plants. In a more sophisticated situation your food supply may come from cultivated plants and animals, basically your own farm and garden. In an urban situation, your food supply is the local grocery store.

Why do both plants and animals store food?

Usually animals store food for the winter obviously. Plants store food i guess because they might need food if the food and water supply runs out. the plants have extra food.

Why is nitrogen an essential for living organism?

Nitrogen is essential for living organisms because it helps plants grow, and plants supply animals their food. And without plants we would die.

What will happen to the animals if air pollution doesn't stop?

If air pollution does not stop, animals will become extinct. If this happens, people will experience scarcity in food supply.

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Plants use the light from the sun to make food for themselves. The plants are then eaten by animals, then they are eaten by other animals, etc. The sole source of energy is from the sun.

How do decomposers supply phosphorus to soil?

Decomposers release phosphorus into the soil from decaying animals and plants. Plants can now take up the phosphates in the soil. When animals eat the plants, they then have phosphates in them and they are released back into the soil through waste and decompostion (decaying).

What would happen if humans killed the plants of an ecosystem?

If humans killed ALL plants on earth, we would all suffocate. This is because plants convert co2 (carbon dioxide), which is exhaled by all animals, back into oxygen through photosynthesis. If they didn't convert co2, the earth's oxygen supply would depleat and we would fill the atmosphere with co2, and we would have no oxygen.