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Industrial society came into existence when the number of factory workers exceeded the number of primary-industry workers.

Primary industry is the type of economic activity that deals with the harvesting of raw materials. Included in that category are: farming, fishing, foresting, mining, and so forth.

England was probably the first industrial society, but there is some reason to believe that the phenomenon occurred about the same time in Holland.

Post-industrial society exists when more people are employed in the service industry than in secondary industry (manufacturing, etc.) and primary industry (farming, etc.)

The United States was the first post-industrial society. This occurred around 1970. By the last census, slightly more than 7 of every 10 working Americans were occupied in the service industry.

Post-industrial society, first of all, depends upon others to supply many of the products of secondary industry. This explains the imbalance in consumer trade. We export technology and intelligence for manufactured goods.

Because of the advances made during the period when the U.S. was an industrial society, about two percent of the entire population now produces foor (primary industry) for the rest of the people.

The key social institution in post-industrial society is education. Tertiary industry (which replaces secondary and primary industries as the major employer) includes the various fields of medicine; accounting, banking, and financial services; information development and transfer; communications; engineering research and development; legal services; and other areas that require personnel with AT LEAST college educations.


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Discuss the nature of the Post- Industrial society.

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In an industrial society, the economy centers around manufacturing and industry. In a post-industrial society, manufacturing falls off and the service sector is dominant.

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What do you understand by the term 'post-industrial' society? Discuss.

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