

What do zebras look like?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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14y ago

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Zebras are mostly known for their stripes, which are black and white.

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Q: What do zebras look like?
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How do zebras look like?

They look like a large pony or a horse with stripes

What does it look like where zebras live?


A relative to horses and zebras but do not look like them?


What are the names of the animals that look like a horse and has markings of a zebras on their back?

These are called Orics.

What do zebras look like when ther born?

There black and white and very cute there cuties

Do zebras like the snow?

Zebras are like horses. Horses do not prefer snow, neither do Zebras.

Are baby zebras black with white strips?

Baby zebras are like adult zebras. Although they are small, they have all the stipes they will ever have, as the youngster grows, the stripes grow. (Zebras are white with black stripes; if you look at their bellies, the black ends and it's white).

What does the zebras skull look like?

A Zebra's ears look thin, little long and has black and white stripes on them

Can zebras make a good pet?

No. Zebras look like horses, but are temperamentally quite different; they wouldn't be very good pets, even if you lived on a farm and had room for one (or, better, several; zebras are very definitely herd animals).

How can a quagga be recreated?

People will recreate the Quagga by taking zebras that naturally look like Quaggas and breeding them with other zebras that look like Quaggas and eventually they should have a whole herd that looks like the Quagga.

What animals do zebras like?

Other herbivores like wildebeest, springbok and other zebras.

What behaviors do zebras have?

Zebras have behaviors like kicking a mating