

What does 'do you like carrots' mean?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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11y ago

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Pop sensation Louis Tomlinson the prankster in Brit Band One Direction once said in The X Factor video diaries week 2 "i like girls who eat carrots" directioners all around the world caught on to it and now is an inside joke for the directioner family

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Well they all are exept carrots. Carrots grow undergroud so that mean they are vegetable

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no shouldn't be i mean they dig em up and eat em like carrots don't they??

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Some dogs like carrots :) Mine does anyway..

Do gophers like carrots?

Yes not only carrots, almost every veggie

Why is there an Easter bunny and not a person?

because you know how carrots make you smart bunnies are in love with carrots most or some humans don't like carrots and Easter bunnies are magical carrots help there powers stronger like other humans are not magical because we are not like famous creatures like leprechauns.