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two lines or planes

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Q: What does 'perpedicular' mean?
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What meaning perpedicular?

two lines or planes

What is the definition for perpedicular lines?

Perpendicular lines are defined as lines who's intersection creates 90o angles.

How can you determine whether the two points are neither parallel nor perpedicular?

Points cannot be parallel or perpendicular. So they never are.

A person on a bike presses down on each pedal through the front half of its circle in which position is the torque maximum?

perpedicular to the action of force.

Which are the three vectors that act along the mutually perpendicular direction?

cross product of tow vector result in a vector which is perpendicular the multiplying vector then these three vector are perpedicular

Given a line with a slope of -1 over -5 what is the slope of any line that lies perpendicular to it?


What are perpedicular lines?

Perpendicular Lines are two or more lines that will intersect (come together) at some point along their paths. Paralell lines are 2 or more lines that will never intersect at any point in their paths.

Can 2 perpendicular lines create four right angles?

Yes. Two perpedicular lines create four right angles in a cross or addition sign +. those two lines are perpendicular, and four right angles are created.

Why do planets stay in their orbit as they revolve around the sun?

The sun has such a strong gravitational field that it pulls the planets towards it with incredible power, however, the planets are moving at enormous speeds away from the sun. These two forces which are acting in a perpedicular angle create something we physist call an "orbit". The planets and moons which revolve around planets have this effect.

What is the perpedicular bisector equation of a line that cuts through the line of h plus k and 3h minus 5k showing key stages of work?

Points: (h, k) and (3h, -5k) Slope: -3k/h Perpendicular slope: h/3k Midpoint: (2h, -2k) Perpendicular equation: y--2k = h/3k(x-2h) Multiply all terms by 3k: 3ky--6k2 = h(x-2h) Equation in terms of 3ky = hx-2h2-6k2 Perpendicular bisector equation in its general form: hx-3ky-2h2-6k2 = 0

Who was king Henry and what did he do?

he was a mean person who lived with mean people in a mean castle on a mean hill in a mean country in a mean continent in a mean world in a mean solar system in a mean galaxy in a mean universe in a mean dimension

What does (.)(.) mean?

you mean what you mean