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What age are you
How old are you?/What is your age?

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Q: What does 'Quel age as-tu' mean in English?
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How do you respond to Quel age-astu?

Quel âge as-tu? means - How old are you? so you answer by saying 'J'ai......ans'

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il a quel âge means "how old is he?" in English.

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How do you say Quel age avez-vous in english?

Quel age avez- vous when translated to English becomes 'How old are you'.

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Quel age a ton amie means how old is your friend?

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''Simon a quel âge?'' would mean ''How old is Simon?''

What does 't'as quel age' mean?

The question 't'as quel age?' means How old are you? It's asked conversationally. More proper is the phrasing 'Quel age as-tu' or 'Tu as quel age?'. In the word-by-word translation, the personal pronoun 'tu' means 'you'. The verb 'as' means '[you] have'. The interrogative adjective 'quel' means 'what, which'. And the noun 'age' means 'age'.

What does quel age avez vous mean?

"How old are you?"

What does 'Quel age as-tu' mean?

The question 'Quel age as-tu' asks How old are you. In the word-by-word translation, the interrogative adjective 'quel' means 'what, which'. The noun 'age' means 'age'. The verb 'as' means '[you] have'. And the personal pronoun 'tu' means 'you'.

What does tu as qual age mean?

"tu as quel âge" mean "how old are you" ;)

Tu as quel age?

How old are you.

What the french word Tu as quel age mean?

The question/statement 'Tu as quel age' means You are how old? In the word-by-word translation, the personal pronoun 'tu' means 'you'. The verb 'as' means '[you] have'. The interrogative adjective/pronoun 'quel' means 'what, which'. The noun 'age' means 'age'.so basically..... it means "what age are you"A phrase in English that would be the equivalent would be: 'How old are you?'