

What does 1 over 3 mean?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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One third smart one.

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Q: What does 1 over 3 mean?
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Is 1 over 3 equivalent to seventy five over 100?

If you mean 1/3 it is neither it would be 66.33

What is equivalent to 1 over 3?

Assuming by "1 over 3", you mean a fraction with 1 in the numerator and 3 in the denominator (1/3), it equals 0.3333333333333333... (0 with an infinite amount of 3's after the decimal).

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It means that on a graph you move up 1 and over 3.

1 over 3 as a decimal?

0.333333333... recurring. You can write it as 0.33, with a dot over the last 3, to mean "recurring".

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It means 1 over 103 So, 10-3 = 1/1000

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2 and 1 over 3

What is 2 and 1 over 3 plus 4 and 1 over 2 equal?

I assume you mean: 2 1/3 + 4 1/2 = 7/3 + 9/2 = 14/6 + 27/6 = 41/6

What 1 over 5 plus 2 over 3?

If you are reffering to that as a math problem then the answers is 1 and 3 over 10 or 1.3. If you do not mean a math problem then I'm sorry but I can't give you the answer(s).

What is 3 over 9 in lowest terms?

1/3 1 over 3

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1 and 2/3

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What is 2 whole and 3 over fie divided by 1 whole and 7 over ten?

Do you mean 2 and 3/5 divided by 1 and 7/10? If so then the answer is 26/17