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heavy weapon Ammunition fired in artillery weapons such as cannons, howitzers and mortars.

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Q: What does Artillery ammunition means?
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What are the kinds of ammunition?

Rifle, Shotgun, Handgun, Artillery

What does munitions mean?

Munitions means materiel used in war, such as weaponry and ammunition, such as bullets, artillery shells etc. The word is more often than not used in the plural form.

What is a munitions factory?

A factory that produced ammunition, such as artillery shells, bombs, missiles is a munitions factory.

Name for military weapons and ammunition?

Some examples of military weapons and ammunition include rifles, pistols, machine guns, grenades, missiles, and artillery shells.

Is a 37MM considered artillery?

No, the 37mm and 40mm are fixed rounds and were used as anti personnel weapons and later used on tanks. REF TM 43-0001-28 TECHNICAL MANUAL ARMY AMMUNITION DATA SHEETS ARTILLERY AMMUNITION: GUNS, HOWITZERS, MORTARS, RECOILLESS RIFLES, GRENADE LAUNCHERS, AND ARTILLERY FUZES (FEDERAL SUPPLY CLASS 1310, 1315, 1320, 1390)

What is an artillery caisson?

It is an ammunition storage box usually towed by a two wheeled cart behind an artillery piece attached by it trail to a two wheeled limber for transportation. It usually provided a crew platform and often included seating for an artillery crew.

What is slug ammunition?

ammunition means "to be fired from a gun" so slug ammunition means they use it as a bullet ,or with one ,or maybe they have a bullet as a shape of a slug

What are the different classes of ammunition?

It depends on what you mean, but very generally speaking, there is handgun ammo, rifle ammo, and artillery ammo.

What act did FDR pass to aid Britain in the war?

50 US destroyers; hundreds of tanks, airplanes, and ammunition & fuel for them. Thousands rifles, pistols, machineguns, artillery, and ammunition for them. Tons of medical supplies & Food & Clothing.

Which form so you use to transfer ammunition to range personnel or unit personnel?

Ammunition is gunpowder and other artillery used in combat including naval mines, warheads, missiles, bombs, landmines, and anti-personnel mines.

What were some of disadvantages of the Texan Army?

They were a very small force. They were poorly trained, They had no history or tradition. They lacked artillery. They had no consistent caliber of ammunition.

What sorts of jobs did women have to do in World War 2?

Producing and manufacturing weapons, ammunition, artillery, machinery, etc. They practically just won the war for us.