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He thought the sky was falling.

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Q: What does Chicken Little think is falling in the movie 'Chicken Little'?
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In Chicken Little what does Chicken Little think is falling?

In the children's story Chicken Little, our hero thinks the sky is falling down.

What does Chicken Little think is falling?

Chicken Little is hit on the head with an acorn. He thinks that the sky is falling. He panics everyone.

What first hits Chicken Little on the head to make him think the sky is falling?

an acorn

Why did Chicken Little think the sky was falling?

he saw a puzzle peice that was the colour of the sky

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To Tell The Truth I Think She Died Or Left Chicken Little's Dad Srry Chicken Little

Where was chicken Licken playing-the children's story?

In the children's story "Chicken Licken," the characters were playing in the meadow when an acorn fell on Chicken Licken's head, causing him to think that the sky was falling.

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Landon Digg - Falling for you because i listen to it all the time i can even say a little of it :)

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