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It breaks the woman's bones in her foot and the four small toes are bended backwards and the big toe is kept their and the bended foot part is covered and held together. Foot binding makes the woman's arch in their foot grow and their feet become small and do not grow any more and now it is forbidden.

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12y ago

The Chinese think that it is fashionable to have small feet.

They stopped the foot binding in 1901. The process is this...

This is from a person that has gone through it.

The mother….washes and placed alum on the feet and cut my toenails. She then bent my toes toward the plantar with a binding cloth ten feet long and two inches wide doing the right foot first and then the left. She...ordered me to walk but when I did the pain proved unbearable, that feet felt on fire and I couldn't sleep ;mother struck me for crying. On the following days I tried to hide but was forced to walk on my feet...after several months all toes but the big one were pressed against the inner surface; Mother would remove the bindings and wipe the blood and puss which dripped from my feet. She told me that only with removal of the flesh could my feet become slender...every two weeks I changed to new shoes. Each new pair was one to two tenths of an inch smaller than the previous one....In summer my feet smelled offensively because of puss and blood; in winter my feet felt cold because of lack of circulation...four of the toes were curled in like so many dead took two years to achieve the three inch shanks were thin, my feet became humped, ugly and odoriferous. "

It did not explain how they break the feet though, They break them with a hammer

Sooo, that's what Chinese feet binding.

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