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I love my crazy friend

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Q: What does J'aime mon crazy amis mean?
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Related questions

What is the plural of mon ami?

Mes amis is the plural for 'mon ami'.

How do you say in french language my friend?

mon amis

How do you say i love my friends in french?

J'aime mes amis or J'adore mes amis.

What is the word friends in french?

Friend - ami. J'aime mon ami. - I love my friend. Amis - friends. J'aime mes amis. - I love my friends.

What does Mes ami mean?

Mes ami should read mes amis (plural) and means my friends, whilst mon ami (singular) is the translation for my friend. .

How do you say 'good morning my friend' in french?

"Good morning my friend" when translated from English to French would be "bonjour mon ami." Bon jour by itself means Good day or Hello

What is 'my friend' in French?

'Mes amis français' if they're male or a mixed female/male group and 'Mes amies françaises' if they're female may be French equivalents of 'my French friends'.The plural possessive 'mes' means 'my'. The masculine plural 'amis' and the feminine plural 'amies' mean 'friends'. The masculine plural adjective 'français'and the feminine plural adjective 'françaises' mean 'French'.All together, they respectively are pronounced 'meh-zah-mee fraw-seh' and 'meh-zah-mee fraw-sehz'.

Oui tres bien mon petite amis?

Yes very much my little friends.

Is mes plural?

To be used with plural nouns. Mon ami, my friend, mes amis, my friends.

Thank you my friend in french?

Merci mon ami (if your friend is a man), merci mon amie (if you're thanking a woman).

What does cas vas mon amis vous et bien oujoudoi meant?

"ça va bien mon ami ?" "how are you my friend ?" I can't decipher the rest

How do you say good luck my friend in french?

bonne chance mon ami!and: "bonne chance les amis" (if there are several of them)