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Jack's initial idea is to use the paint as a form of camoflague, which will make it more difficult for the pigs to spot him amongst the foliage and patches of shade in the jungle. Once he wears the paint he realises that the mask it provides enables him to evade responsibility for his actions.

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14y ago
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14y ago

From a purely physical point of view the paint acts as a form of camouflage making it difficult for the pigs to see him amongst the foliage and patches of shade in the jungle. From a psychological viewpoint being hidden behind a mask of paint frees Jack from any sense of responsibility for his actions. In the story this symbolizes that Jack is becoming more savage as the story progresses. He smears himself with the natural world and kills pigs brutally.

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12y ago

Jack initially marks his face as a form of camouflage for while he is hunting.

This face-paint, which later becomes a constant decoration, symbolises Jack's decent into savagery, and the way he has abandoned order, democracy, society and his old life.

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1mo ago

Jack paints his face with clay and charcoal in "Lord of the Flies" to camouflage himself and blend in with the surroundings while hunting or participating in violent activities on the island.

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13y ago

Jack uses red clay, white clay and a stick of charcoal.
his inhibitions are gone and wants to kill

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13y ago

Jack painted his face to feel more like a hunter,

and more along the lines he's becoming a savage and more violent.

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13y ago

Jack wants the hunters to paint the faces to camouflage themselves when they hunt the pig. Symbolically, the painted faces are a mask for the boys to hide their emotions.

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Q: What does Jack paint his face with in Lord of the flies?
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What does jack paint his face in lord of the flies?

Jack uses red clay, white clay and a stick of charcoal.his inhibitions are gone and wants to kill

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In William Golding's novel "Lord of the Flies," it is Jack's group of savages who accompany him to steal fire from Ralph's camp. They violently attack Ralph and the other boys to steal the fire and assert their control over the island.

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Jack masks his face with coloured clays and black charcoal markings.

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Jack uses clay and charcoal to camouflage himself in the novel "Lord of the Flies." He paints his face with these materials to blend in with the forest surroundings while hunting or performing rituals.

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In the story "Lord of the Flies", Jack scolds Piggy for speaking out of turn. Jack slaps Piggy across the face, breaking one of the lenses of his glasses.

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Jack uses red and white clay, and charcoal to paint his face.

Why does jack paint his face in lord of the flies?

Jack painted his face originally because he believe that it would help disguise him from the pigs, making them easier to catch. Although, the painting of the face came to deem him as a savage, among other things, and that is why Golding included it in the novel.

What is jack's appearance in Lord of the Flies?

tall, thin, bony, red hair, freckles on his face. light blue eyes.

In Lord of the Flies who are the reds?

In "Lord of the Flies," the Reds are a reference to the boys led by Jack Merridew who start to wear face paint, specifically red and white clay, as a way to differentiate themselves from the other boys on the island. This distinction highlights the growing divide between the two groups and the descent into savagery.

Lord of the Flies - how did the painting his face aid Jack in his ability to kill?

Painting his face helped Jack to feel more anonymous and disconnected from his normal self, allowing him to tap into his primal instincts and become more ruthless in his actions. It gave him a sense of power and freedom to act without restraint or consequences. Ultimately, the face paint symbolized Jack's descent into savagery and his willingness to kill without remorse.

What happens has a result of jack painting his face in lord of the flies?

Jack painting his face in "Lord of the Flies" symbolizes his descent into savagery and loss of civilization. It allows him to hide his identity and embrace his primal instincts, leading to increased violence and chaos among the boys on the island. This act ultimately drives a wedge between the boys and contributes to the breakdown of their society.