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I'm unsure of what the tattoo itself means, but a maple blossom in Japanese culture is considered 'the plant of the lovers', and is given as a "valentine". It is also the flower of October.

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Q: What does Japanese maple leaf tattoo represent?
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What does the maple leaf represent?

== == The Red Maple leaf is similar to the Silver Maple leaf(which is a simple leaf), so I'd say that it's a simple leaf. it is a simple leaf

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What is the Japanese name for maple as in the leaf?

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What does the leaf on the Canada flag represent?

maple tree

What is the symbol in the center of Canada's flag?

The leaf in the center of the Canadian flag is a maple leaf. It is the national leaf in Canada, due to the large amount of maple trees found there.

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What does the red maple represent on the Canadian flag?

The maple leaf on the Canadian flag represents the nature and environment of Canada. The maple leaf is actually a sugar maple leaf, which turns red in autumn/fall. The number of points on the leaf has no significance. The Canadians wanted to replace the British flag quickly when they became independent, so they came up with the (autumn) red maple leaf to represent the nature of Canada.

Why are they using a maple leaf for the Olympic games?

The Olympic team uses a red maple leaf to represent Canada, inspired by the Canadian flag.

What is the scientific name of a Japanese maple leaf?

Acer palmatum

Does Shannon Tweed have a Shoulder Tattoo?

Not on her shoulder. She does have one on her neck of a Canadian maple leaf.

What does each point on the Canadian maple leaf represent?

Province, Territory, and ...

What type of maple leaf is used on Canada's flag?

The maple leaf on our flag is considered to be a stylized version of the red maple. It was designed by Jacques Saint-Cyr. A true red maple leaf actually has serrated edges and pointed sinuses (the parts between the points). It actually incorporates the style of a sugar maple with the smooth edges and rounded sinuses.