

What does Leo stand for?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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12y ago

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usually Law Enforcement Officer

but I've also seen Low Earth Orbit

- Eric

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Leo little is played by Leo howard

Is Leo man and Virgo woman compatible?

Very. I am a Leo-Virgo cusp. We love Libra's. You will find a lot of common ground with her. The attraction is there. I would say, on a scale of 1-10, 8.5 compatibility. Always give her your undivided attention. That's funny, I'm a Leo-Virgo cusp woman and I can't stand Libra men! They are lazy, lazy, lazy!

What is a constellation in Leo?

Leo is a constellation - there is not a constellation inside Leo.

Is Leo Little's name Leo Howard?

Yes his real name is Leo Hoawrd. He played as Leo Little on Leo Little's big show, but his real name is Leo Howard.